Career Coaching / Executive Coaching

Let me help you develop and execute a proven and winning job search strategy that includes a step by step analysis of what successful candidates do very well and what candidates that come in second or third don’t do as well.

We will cover: networking – learn how to tap into the large network of unadvertised positions, networking inside a company you want to work for (reaching out directly), interview preparedness (do your homework!), face to face (or video) interview techniques that will set you apart from your competition by coming across confident and knowledgeable. Understand how to read a Position Description and how to create a Position Specific resume.

Learn about various types of interviews and how to make an impact on employers and executive search firms with positive first and last impressions. Get interview do’s and don’ts and learn how to avoid interview traps. Understand how to effectively discuss, and successfully negotiate, your desired salary as well as who to (and who not to) use for very critical references. Discuss questions most frequently asked during interviews and practice your answers. Learn what questions to ask. Learn how to properly follow up on an interview. Interview skills are essential for career success and will be utilized time and time again throughout a person’s lifetime.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that millennials (who make up the largest percentage of the U.S. workforce) will hold a job for less than two years. And any worker over age 25 will hold a job for only about five years. That means you will have several job transitions, and therefore numerous job interviews, throughout your professional career. Now is the time to develop and perfect interviewing skills. Understand what will make you incredibly attractive to the decision maker.

Career Coaching / Executive Coaching
A 75 minute one-on-one call with Stephen